Brand Ideal DNA

Brand Ideal DNA®: A data-backed methodology for strategic branding decision-making

Discover how data-informed creativity and prototyping can minimize risk and drive brand success

Brand creation and rebranding decisions are crucial but often made with incomplete information. Mucho and Relevance have developed a new methodology that incorporates the voices of all brand stakeholders at two critical moments to help executives make informed strategic decisions. This data-driven approach is transforming the way our clients lead and manage their brands, being more focused, compelling, and customer-centric.

“Mucho and Relevance have developed a new methodology that incorporates the voices of all brand stakeholders at two critical moments to help executives make informed strategic decisions.”

The Treasure Map

The Brand Ideal DNA® is a set of brand values defined by users, the category, and the company’s vision that represent the optimal perception of the new brand across all key stakeholders. This set of values serves as the north star for the brand’s identity, expression, experience, products, and services. Market research, consumer intelligence, in-depth interviews with top management, and extensive industry and category research help define the DNA of the ideal brand, which is composed of three main streams of values: current brand assets, category KPIs and vision. The Brand Ideal DNA® uses Relevance’s Tags® methodology of open-ended questions and semantic dictionaries in quantitative surveys to incorporate customer opinion.

“By incorporating the voice of the customer, this methodology inspires more informed decision-making and creates brands with values that more people share.”
Revolutionizing Strategic Branding 2
Revolutionizing Strategic Branding 2

Choose Your Own Adventure

The second key moment in the methodology is to prototype the brand and test among users to anticipate their perceptions (the values they associate to the new brand identity, or name). At this point, it is important to clarify this test is no AB test. Users are not CEOs or MKT directors, users make shopping decisions, not branding decisions.

Thanks to Relevance Tags®, users and other stakeholders react to the prototype and answer questions in their own words. This way, the distance between the prototyped brand’s perceptions and the ideal brand’s DNA can be measured, enabling us to make creative decisions without outsourcing them (as an AB test does).

By incorporating the voice of the customer, this methodology inspires more informed decision-making and creates brands with values that more people share.

In conclusion, the data-driven branding approach using the ideal DNA and prototyping methodologies has proven to be a game-changer for many companies looking to create or reposition their brands with minimised risk and increased confidence. Mucho and Relevance’s collaboration has brought about a new way of combining creativity and strategy, rooted in customer insights and data, to deliver brands that truly resonate with their audiences. 

“The Brand Ideal DNA® is a set of brand values defined by users, the category, and the company’s vision that represent the optimal perception of the new brand across all key stakeholders.”

With this methodology, the possibilities for creating brands that connect with people on a deeper level are endless. A clear example is the work we’ve done with the innovative fashion and lifestyle shopping platform Bash in South Africa. Since its launch six months ago, Bash has gathered an impressive customer base of over 500,000 users. This success has propelled it to the top position in the Apple App Store across all categories and secured the second position in the competitive shopping category of the Google Play Store. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how Mucho can help your brand, don’t hesitate to reach out and start a conversation.

Words: Bernat Aubia, CEO & Founder at Relevance Marketing, Joan Picanyol, Director of Strategy at Mucho and David Reina Ayala, Strategy Lead at Mucho.
