Unnamed 1

How concepts shape client decisions in the process of branding

When you bring your branding work to the client, how do you name it? Proposals? Routes? Options? Alternatives? Each term carries distinct connotations, subtly influencing the client’s journey toward their new identity. At Mucho, we call them futures!

In branding, the way you name the concepts you present to a client can significantly shape their perception and decision-making. It might also impact the way strategy and creative teams think and craft their work.

Routes? Options? Proposals?

Calling them routes, suggests a strategic map—a clear path from point A to point B-, grounded in creative thinking and strategic insights. It emphasizes the journey and exploration of multiple pathways. This is one of the most common ways of naming our work. Routes suggest a process, a journey, more than just a destination. We’re selling transformation here.

Calling them options or alternatives, highlights the element of choice, emphasizing the client’s role in selecting from a range of possibilities that align with their brand identity and aspirations. In the case of alternatives, and this may be a very personal perception, it seems to suggest different, equally viable paths. We’re selling choices here.

Calling them proposals, conveys an informed opinion or recommendation, suggesting a more advisory role in the decision-making process. We’re selling assessment here.

“We are giving our clients the ability to see the future and make decisions on it in the present, to choose what future they like best and suits their business goals better.”


At Mucho, we call them “futures”. We see our work as a way of identifying interesting viable futures as much as prototyping them. Imagine a client seeing possible future versions of themselves in a time mirror. Here we are giving our clients the ability to see the future and make decisions on it in the present, to choose what future they like best and suits their business goals better. We’re traveling in time. Branding can seem like science fiction but essentially, this is how we see what we do at this point.

“At Mucho, each future represents a carefully crafted vision grounded in strategic insights and creative foresight.”

It’s about envisioning possibilities that best align with the client’s goals and ideal market positioning. By thinking in terms of futures, we are not just selling a strategic route: we are selling a possible future that is legitimate, sustainable, and attractive to the world and key audiences. This approach encapsulates both the process and the destination, emphasizing positioning, achievement, and a vision that can be sustained and celebrated.

“This “futures” approach encapsulates both the process and the destination, emphasizing positioning, achievement, and a vision that can be sustained and celebrated.”

Long term value

The decision-making process must involve the client and the end consumer. Understanding the user’s perspective through rigorous testing ensures the chosen future resonates with the target audience. By comparing each potential future against the brand values in the Ideal Brand DNA -our data-backed methodology for strategic branding decision-making-, we ensure alignment with the brand’s core values and goals.

At Mucho, each future represents a carefully crafted vision grounded in strategic insights and creative foresight. While routes encapsulate the process, we believe that focusing on “futures” creates more value for the client. By guiding our clients through this journey, we help them explore and choose the future that is meaningful, successful, and perfectly aligned with their business goals. This approach ensures that we are not only mapping out a journey but also delivering a vision that our customers can believe in and work towards, thus creating long-term value.

Words: Joan Picanyol, Partner & Chief Strategy Officer at Mucho.


Make the first move!

If you have any business inquiries or would like to discuss potential branding projects, please feel free to contact us here. We look forward to connecting with you and exploring how we can work together to achieve great things.