Work Education


Do you remember that class that changed your life, that teacher who made everything click or suddenly opened a new dimension of knowledge for you? Faro is exactly that—a digital platform collecting courses and talks about the ideas and works that shape culture and provide  enlightenment.

The Challenge

The design challenge was to define guidelines that, beyond the brand and the icon, build graphic and visual personality traits common across different content. A significant part of the project was defining the dynamic behavior of audiovisual materials, ensuring they have unique elements for each class while maintaining common denominators that make them unmistakably Faro

The Strategy

Mucho and Faro collaborated on the strategic definition of the brand, its narrative, and the design of the new brand. The challenge consisted of defining and capturing the intellectual sensibility of the platform without renouncing to the entertaining aspect that the format allows for. At the same time, faro aimed to reinforce through messages the idea of the impact on individuals that comes from accessing knowledge in an agile and enjoyable way. This is where the slogan “Amaze and Illuminate” originates.

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The Solution

The result is a solid icon whose counterform is the lighthouse illuminating a point, a very distinctive corporate color, and a visual and dynamic language that is discreet yet unmistakable, creating an alternative way to consume academic content in the Spanish language.

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At Mucho Brand Design Agency, we’re passionate about bringing your ideas to life with designs that truly connect and inspire. Let’s work together to turn your vision into a brand story that not only stands out but also resonates deeply with your audience.

Let’s work together