Work Arts_&_Culture
Vidal Orga Mucho R5 A8052


Mutare is a culture programme promoted by Fundació Carulla. It is a programme dedicated to supporting art initiatives which can transform society and address social issues. Fundació Carulla asked Transit Projectes and Mucho to create a publication which could convey Mutare’s values, work as a sketchbook for culture project managers and showcase the programme’s projects.

The Challenge

The challenge was hence to design a book which had many different uses, and different layers of information: essays, art projects and its processes, and an information matrix displaying trends, methodologies, actions, resources and experiential examples. On top of all this, this book needed to be symbolic piece, to mark the pinnacle of Mutare’s achievements.

Vidal Orga Mucho R5 A8090
Vidal Orga Mucho R5 A8058
Vidal Orga Mucho R5 A8080

The Strategy

The strategy was to establish a flatplan structure that could allow the different text and image formats to coexist, and retain each of thei individual traits while still keeping a cohesive whole. A story thread was generetad to do so. Through the programme’s values, five chapters were conceived. Each one would be illustrated by a thesis essay, an art project and the information matrix corresponding to the related value. On top of this, the art project would itself be represented by a different artist, that could capture the spirit of the project in a way that could be displayed in the book. In this way, the book contains five art pieces concieved exclusively for the book, and to be experienced only throuh it.

Vidal Orga Mucho R5 A8071

The Solution

A middle format was chosen, and a soft cover solution for the binding. This kept the publication close to the sketchbook spirit. Inside, one serif modernist font set in black and only one weight, allowed for a subtle visual connection amongst all the different content. The photographers, illustrators and artists working on the art pieces where carefully curated. The production of the art pieces was designed to fit the experience of a book. As an example, one of the works is a theatre piece concieved to be consumed through the book. The 8 scenes correspond to the 8 photographs of the book which tell the story. Finally, Mutare’s symbol of transformation, the butterfly, was used to illustrate the cover, but also to produce AI generated images imagining the experience of the chrysalis in the interior of its cocoon.

Vidal Orga Mucho R5 A8068
Vidal Orga Mucho R5 A8067
Vidal Orga Mucho R5 A8053

Client: Mutare

Photographer: Jorge Vidal

At Mucho Brand Design Agency, we’re passionate about bringing your ideas to life with designs that truly connect and inspire. Let’s work together to turn your vision into a brand story that not only stands out but also resonates deeply with your audience.

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