Work Arts_&_Culture
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Fundació Joan Miró 40 years

Fundació Miró, a cultural center, enlisted us to design the identity and communication for their 40th anniversary campaign. 

The campaign had dual goals: crafting a distinctive, iconic symbol that diverged from the Miró elements already in the foundation’s identity, and creating a campaign that connected the center with Barcelona’s people by highlighting significant dates from the past 40 years.

The solution was to draw upon the center’s recognisable building, designed by Josep Lluis Sert, and blend it with the number ‘40’. The building’s unique skylights served as the base for a typographical modular system. Not only did this address the logo design, but it also helped arrange the campaign’s key dates. 

As the numbers were so distinctive, they could be coupled with various visual languages, enabling a rich graphic expression of the different events referenced.

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